Grievances Policy
Like many organisations 4Water operates a code of conduct relating to safeguarding, modern slavery, ethical behaviour, prevention of any form of exploitation and harassment. As 4Water volunteers we hold people to a certain standard of inclusivity and respect and therefore expect volunteers to sign up to the following code:
- I will contribute to a working environment characterised by mutual respect, integrity and dignity. I will positively encourage diversity and inclusion and demonstrate respect for people who have different backgrounds, beliefs, customs, traditions and ways of life e.g. race, colour, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status such as disability, age, marital and family status, sexual orientation and gender identity, health status, place of residence, economic and social situation.
- I will ensure the dignity, inclusion and respect of colleagues and others I interact with, by demonstrating allyship, by challenging, reporting and refraining from inappropriate behaviour, micro-aggressions, discrimination, bullying and harassment. I understand these types of behaviours are not only unacceptable on moral grounds, but harm morale, performance, attendance and retention.
- I will be courteous and professional in my dealings with colleagues and others and not use inappropriate or offensive language, either verbally or in writing.
If in the course of your involvement with 4Water you should become aware of any behaviours either directed towards you or others that give you cause for concern it is your responsibility to share this information with colleagues or with any members of the SOT who sit centrally within 4Water and can be reached via the website or Facebook page to help address and resolve the issue.